Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The never-ending process...

Yes, that is our life crammed into a storage unit- not into a house. Here's the story: On Sunday (a week and a half ago) my dad came up from Nashville to help us load our stuff into a moving truck since we were planning on closing on Monday or Tuesday. Both of those days went by, as did Wednesday and most of Thursday with many phone calls. Long story short, we learned that the mortgage company knew absolutely nothing about my job and once they started learning about it, they had problems with it. But, since they had already pre-approved us for the loan, we had to come up with a compromise. Anyway, we're looking at being able to submit our stuff to underwriting on Friday and closing on either Friday afternoon or Monday. *Whew*! It's been a really long week :) We just keep reminding ourselves that God has perfect timing and this is all going to work out in the end, despite the bumps and bruises we may get along the way! It's a miracle I've been able to make it through it all with only a minor meltdown (that was pregnancy-hormone induced, I'm sure!). Our family and friends have been fantastically supportive through it all... thanks so much, you guys! :)


Kelly said...

ok, i'm not going to lie, i couldn't bear to read the story because it's just so sad!!!...but I think i'll have to skim the ending to see if there's a happy ending! :D anyways, nice stuff!

Anonymous said...

if you rearranged things, you could almost live in that storage unit! ... how much is it a month? ;^)