Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Making a House a Home

Hello! We have had a very busy 6 days since we moved into the house! My parents were nice enough to drive up from Nashville for about 24 hours to help us move stuff from the storage unit to our house and help us get ready to paint. Their hands were much appreciated :)

We weren't sure how well our 2 cats were going to adapt to moving and tripling their domain. At first, they were very hesitant, and Cosmo reacted by burrowing himself under the comforter of our bed (and this has become his new favorite sleepy-spot). I had to lift up the corner and get a picture of him!
We spent most of the weekend getting the living room in order. It's nice to have a single room that is done (for the most part) and we can sit around in it to procrastinate and NOT do anything else in the house! We painted the walls in the living room a lovely light blue color called "Reading Room". It looks kind of purply in the picture, but it's really pretty in person:

Relaxing? Right? However, if you turn around, you can't help but be stressed out by this chaos:

That is the kitchen, complete with half-unpacked boxes, painters tape around all the borders, and messiness! Oh well, at least we got that table put together so no one else has to experience whacking their head on the light fixture (it REALLY hurts)!


Anonymous said...

wow! how exciting! i'm sure things will start looking like "home" pretty soon!!

did kelly give you your frame you won from the giveaway? hope so :)

Mrsc said...

Beautiful home - just wish the Pandukus were there with you. Maybe soon!