Wednesday, November 12, 2008

1 week old!

We have successfully managed to keep a baby alive and healthy for a week! Time has really flown by and it's been fun getting to know her and spend time with her every day.... we love our Avery!

I took her to the doctor for her 1 week checkup today and here are her stats:
Weight: 6lbs 15oz
Length: 20 inches
Head size: 14 inches

So based on her length that they measured today, they think she might have been mis-measured at the hospital... or she's superbaby and grew 1 1/2 inches in a week. I vote for the mis-measurement :) Either way, she's 20 inches now! We'll go back again next week for her 2 week checkup!


Kelly said...

I'm glad her doctor's visit went well! i don't think she's grown that much either...maybe in her feet ;) j/k! we love her too. oh avery :D

Michael, Carrie, and S said...

Hi Megan-we go to church with your folks, and I know we've met you once. Your mom told me about your blog, and I wanted to see more Avery pics. Your parents are so excited about her arrival! Congratulations on her birth!

Anonymous said...

Still only a week old??? WOW!! I was pretty sure she was older than that by now! :)