Friday, July 25, 2008

This week's giveaway: cute picture frame!

We've had a crazy week! No, we're not in the house yet... but hopefully soon. Things are delayed at the mortgage company and we're learning a much-needed lesson in patience :)

I'll be 25 weeks pregnant tomorrow! WOW! Only 15 weeks left! Avery is definitely getting bigger- I can feel some smaller movements now and it just means things are getting tight in there! My new hobby this week (I'm bored- I need to work) is to put objects on my belly and wait for her to knock them off... she's pretty good at it! Maybe I can catch it on video...

The giveaway this week on Allison's blog is this cute picture frame! Head on over via the link on the right side of the page!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! thanks for posting about my giveaway again this week! and good thing you did...YOU WON! congratulations!!!!