Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More of the story...

So nothing new has really happened, but I thought I'd add in some more details and answers to the questions everyone's been asking!

I've been feeling pretty good. I only feel sick when I'm eating, which stinks because I'm really hungry! However, the docs keep telling me I don't need any extra calories for another month, which I find hard to believe. So far, I've only gained 1/2 lb., which I can handle! The only craving that has surfaced has been orange juice, which is weird because I didn't really like it before I was pregnant. We go back to the doctor on April 15th to have another sonogram and re-evaluate my due date, so hopefully we'll find out some more information then.

I am also looking for maternity clothes, so if anyone knows of anyone trying to get rid of some that are smallish... I'm also open to borrowing and sending them back when I'm done with them!


Dennis and Danielle said...

I'm sure you'll get a TON of advice for that, so here's mine - this worked for me - the "sea-band." This awful-looking wrist bands that have pressure points on the area of the wrist that helps with nausea (and sea sickness, motion sickness, etc). Other than being terribly embarrassed to be seen with those on, I used them often and they helped me a lot.
(too bad you don't live closer by, I could lend you all my pregn. clothes...)

Manda said...

Hey, Megan! It's Manda, who used to work with your dad at the IMB and PD. Your parents pointed me to your blog and told me your happy news -- Many congratulations! Kevin and I are expecting our first too. I agree with you on needing extra calories early on in your pregnancy. I'm not nearly as hungry now (19 weeks along) as I was in my first trimester. I'm convinced you really do need the extra calories then.

I'm still building my own maternity clothes collection, but if I run across anything that's too small for me, I'll pass it on to you.